
Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ Tissue Culture

Mini marvel unfolds its fiery heart: The Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ bursts with vibrant red leaves, perfect for adding a pop of color to your nano tank.

This tissue-cultured wonder thrives in medium to high light, offering pest-free growth, easy care, and fast-growing beauty. Plant it foreground, midground, or even emersed – its compact size adapts to your vision. Order yours today and watch your mini marvel transform your aquarium!



Bring vibrant color and compact charm to your aquarium with Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ Tissue Culture!

This stunning miniature version of the popular Alternanthera boasts:

  • Vivid pink to red leaves: Add a pop of color to your aquascape, creating a visually captivating focal point.
  • Compact growth: Perfect for foreground planting in small tanks or as a stunning contrast in larger setups. Reaches a maximum height of 8 inches.
  • Versatile placement: Thrives in both midground and background positions, adapting to your design needs.
  • Emersed or submerged growth: Enjoy the flexibility of growing this adaptable plant above or below the waterline.
  • Tissue culture advantage: Pest and disease-free plants for a healthy and thriving aquarium ecosystem.
  • Beginner-friendly: Easy to care for with medium to high light and optional CO2 for optimal growth.
  • Fast propagation: Simply trim the stem and replant to create a dense, bushy effect.
  • Safe haven for fauna: Provides excellent hiding spots and shelter for your fish and invertebrates.

Upgrade your aquarium with Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ Tissue Culture and enjoy:

  • Unmatched vibrancy and texture: Its compact form and striking color add depth and dimension to your aquascape.
  • Low-maintenance beauty: Easy to care for, allowing you to spend more time admiring your thriving underwater world.
  • Peace of mind: Tissue culture ensures your aquarium remains pest and disease-free for a healthy balance.

Order your Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’ Tissue Culture today and watch your aquarium transform into a vibrant and thriving underwater paradise!